Ideas. Adventures. Experiences.

Follow along as I's never boring and I just might learn something.

Ubuntu Weekly News #176

Ubuntu Weekly News #176

The Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue #176 for the week of January 10th – January 16th, 2010 is now available here...

Linux Journal editor, Shawn Powers, Loses Home and Pets in Fire Today.

Linux Journal editor, Shawn Powers, Loses Home and Pets in Fire Today.

Linux Journal has set up a ChipIn page for the Powers’ Family. Below is the 1st post on the site...

Southeast Linux Fest – UbuCon, Overnight Rooms and Registration

Southeast Linux Fest – UbuCon, Overnight Rooms and Registration

Register for the Southeast Linux Fest today. SELF is scheduled to be held on June 12-13, 2009 at the Spartanburg...

Many Thanks! – Ubuntu Women Project – Leader Appointed

Many Thanks! – Ubuntu Women Project – Leader Appointed

Earlier today Lyz Krumbach sent an email to the Ubuntu Women Project mailing list announcing that the Ubuntu Community Council...

What a way to start off a year! Slashdotted, SCaLE talk submission, and UW Leadship Process WOW!

What a way to start off a year! Slashdotted, SCaLE talk submission, and UW Leadship Process WOW!

My “You-in-Ubuntu” blog on Ubuntu User Magazine Online was slashdotted, ok so the poster got the facts a little wrong...