My Let It Ride Experience

10603239_10203593656296509_346332511539137656_nOn Friday, September 19th, I had the opportunity to see DJ Hish, Brian Davis, Chase Bryant, Aaron Lewis and Brantley Gilbert at the Cedar Park Center in Cedar Park, Texas as the “Let It Ride” tour rolled through Austin.

I absolutely love Brantley Gilbert’s songs–the attitude, the sincerity, and the energy reminds me of home in rural NC. His opening acts are country boys who I swear remind me any number of the people I grew up with.

Having the opportunity to listen to Brian Davis sing and tell the story of how he ended up on stage in the spotlight with his guitar sharing music that he and Brantley wrote was amazing. When he sang, “Hell yeah, I earned this beer” and dedicated it to all the farmers, steel workers, truck drivers and soldiers I just wanted to hug him. Brian told the crowd,  “I’ll be out by the merchandise booth until the last fan leaves” and he was.  What a down to earth just all around good guy.

Chase Bryant and Aaron Lewis were just as awesome. They all reminded me of normal guys who you could hang out with or drink beer, share laughs and few “hey, y’all watch this” moments.  As an Army veteran, who is married to an Army veteran and who has a daughter in the military, I appreciate Brian, Chase, Aaron and Brantley’s shared respect for our military.  It just makes their music sound sweeter to my ears.

Then there was DJ Hish who was mixing and mashing the music before the show started and between sets as the already excited crowd waited for BG to take the stage.  He had the crowd on their feet singing and dancing. There was never a dull moment at this concert.

Brantley took the stage with new music, new sets, and more energy.  It was, as always a great show. Brantley not only tells his stories through his music he also takes time to impart wisdom on the crowd when people make an unwise decision.  Like when security breaks up a fight and has to escort those individuals outside.  Brantley reminds the crowd to “Take It Outside” not only through his song, but through his story telling abilities which are just as impressive.

After the concert, I got the opportunity to meet Brantley.  My daughter and I met him a few years ago when he was in SC, but what was different about this meeting was his dad was there.  His dad is hilarious.  For me,  hanging out with BG’s dad  was the highlight of the evening.  The conversation was real and full of laughs.  I enjoyed the conversation so much that when the time came to have my picture taken with Brantley I asked if his dad could be in the picture too.

It was an awesome ending to a great concert. If you like Brantley and his music then check out the “Let It Ride” Tour when it comes to a town in near or around where you live.  From the openers to the main event it’s all high energy, full of laughs, toe-tapping, hand-clapping, grab your partner, and sing-a-along energy.

More pictures from the concert can be found here.


2 Responses to “My Let It Ride Experience

  • christopher
    10 years ago

    Hey Hey! your site’s back up finally!

    So are you still chugging along with good ol’ buntu or back to the mac you went? lol.


    btw… I never asked or I may of forgotten but what flavor do you use? xfce, gnome3, unity, kde, E, lxde?

  • akgraner
    10 years ago

    Hi Christopher,

    I still use Ubuntu, but I have a mac with OSx on it as well. Just depends on what I’m doing as to which I use.

    I like Unity.

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