A Walk Around London!

A walk around London is an amazing thing. Depending on the times of day you are walking around you can get pushed along with the momentum of the crowd or you have wide open spaces to enjoy and very leisurely stroll. I took a walk to Trafalgar Square and enjoyed every step of it. Maybe 20 minutes from the Hotel we are at. I didn’t even need a jacket as I am told it was unseasonably warm that day. I took some pictures on my way back to the hotel and thought I would share some of them will you all.

I was here 2 years ago with my family. I enjoyed it, but were a bit hurried as everyone had something they wanted to see of do. This time I am just taking things in; in no particular order and just seeing things as I see them. It’s a different perspective. I am enjoying the time alone with my thoughts and being able to sorta take a break and prioritize things and move other things completely off the list – I am regrouping, resorting, and remembering what is really important to me.

So enjoy the pics I took on my walk back from Trafalgar Square.

Big Ben


Sovereign Entrance to Parliament

View looking to my Left as I crossed the Bridge, looking across the river at the London Eye.

View looking to my left across the river at Parliament and Big Ben

View of Millbank Tower looking to my right as I crossed the Bridge (Canonical Office is on the 27th Floor)

MillBank Tower from across the river as the sun was setting

Another view of Millbank Tower as the sun was setting

The Boat were we have eaten and just chatted with friends a few nights

Some cool carvings in from of the hotel.

There was my view one afternoon as I enjoyed walking about London. 😀 Seeing things and meeting new people.


6 Responses to “A Walk Around London!

  • Scaine
    15 years ago

    Cracking pictures. I'm Scottish and not a fan of London, but you've captured a side of it I'm not used to seeing.

  • deriziotis
    15 years ago

    Nice pictures.

    I live in London and I pretty much go by every single one of those sites on the bus every day on my way to work. It's easy to forget that London can be quite beautiful in the grind of every day routine 🙂

    Glad to hear your having fun.

  • Anonymous
    15 years ago

    Great pictures, but what does it have to do with Ubuntu? (As it's on Planet Ubuntu)

  • Just Me, Amber!
    15 years ago

    Millbank Tower is where the Canonical Office is in London. I thought people might want to see it.

    Glad you enjoyed the pics at least.


  • stuphi
    15 years ago

    Warning! Pedantic comment follows! That is not Big Ben. Big Ben is the name of the bell inside the clock tower. You may not of actually seen Big Ben, but I do hope you heard it.

  • Just Me, Amber!
    15 years ago


    yeah I stand corrected…jeez.. I was going for the easy reference point…


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