The Ubuntu Chronicles: The Saga of Amber and Ubuntu

Part 26

Average user Mom and Linux

This Blog post is an answer to a comment I got from Mr. Pink.

Yes the Initial Project got a little of track. I’ll give you that. However, in less than 3 weeks I was able to transition to my Dell Using Ubuntu (while sampling Fedora 10) and now 4 weeks later I still haven’t picked back up my Mac yet.

Having said that, yes I am engaging in other aspects of the Open Source Community – because I can. It’s an exciting part if the transition. I would have been perfectly happy to stay with Intrepid however; I was comfortable enough in 3 weeks to use Ubuntu and do all the stuff I needed to on a daily basis.

So, NO the experiment was not a failure in fact it was a success in under 3 weeks.

It took me over a month to get used to the Mac, there were moments when pgraner had to help. I almost threw the Mac out the Window. There were moments I wanted to go back to Windows. However, in a week with no help from pgraner I was comfortable with Ubuntu, and in 3 weeks was ready to learn more.

When I got my Mac I read books, I went to the Mac store to learn things, I bought new programs and had to figure them out. Learning is a natural progression of any transition. Just because you know the basics doesn’t mean you stop wanting to know what else you can do with your computer.

I think you fail to realize that transitioning to any Flavor of Linux it comes with a community. This average user mom finds the community aspect of the transition fascinating. Who gets an operating system be it Windows or Mac and doesn’t learn about it. (Where are those communities?, Where were they when I transitioned)

The same can be said for what I am doing with Ubuntu. The option to participate is there so I am exercising that option. Once anyone gets involved with any flavor the Linux you can’t help but want to know more. “Linux Cheerleader” I don’t think that is me other than I am enjoying learning (you can call it what you will). It’s my opinion, and experience, that the transition to Ubuntu was easier than my transition from Windows to Mac. However, I transitioned from DOS to Windows, then to Mac.

In short, failure, NO! Far from it. In less than 3 weeks you can do it. Or at least I did. Now I am going on to the next step. Becoming involved. WHY?because I can.


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