Happy Thanksgiving 2011

I mentioned on Facebook yesterday, that Thanksgiving is more than a meal, “it is sitting down with family (and friends) and being part of something bigger than ourselves.”

I thought about what that means to me.

Being mindful of the moment to means I am both physically and mentally present. In other words, I’m not worrying about anything; I am just thinking about the people I am with and what is happening right then and there.

Sharing dreams of the future, sitting around the table with family is always a great time to see what new and exciting things are happening, who is doing what a Christmas, what new things are going to happen as a new year roles around, what are some goals we’re working on for the next year, what are we celebrating “in the moment” to reach our goals of tomorrow and how can we help each other accomplish those goals and dreams.

Honoring (remembering) our past, this is really important, well to me anyway. Remembering those who aren’t with us in body, but in spirit, those who couldn’t be home today, because they are on distant shores serving as one of our men and women in uniform.  Remembering how much I have to be thankful for–where we were a year ago versus where we are today and more.  Remember to know where I came from to understand where I am going.

I have so much I could say in reference to counting my blessings; but I won’t go into the list.  I always think of one of my favorite quotes on Thanksgiving, and I’ll share it with you all as I say, “Thank you for being you!”

If the only prayer you ever say in your whole life is “thank you,” that would suffice.  ~ Meister Eckhart

Happy Thanksgiving 2011!


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